2024 Print Submissions

TCS is working on it’s next print edition over the summer, scheduled to be released at the beginning of Michaelmas 2024, following the theme:

Hidden Voices

What Hidden Voices means to us:

“The Cambridge Student strives to be a publication that platforms student voices from all perspectives, giving people a voice that mainstream media might not. This print edition is a reflection of the tense political time we live in, and an attempt to not only shed light on society’s most pressing issues, but an opportunity to unify our student community. I believe it is not the institution itself that makes Cambridge valuable, but the people within it and the stories they have to tell. I encourage anybody who feels they have something to say to submit to this print edition, in whatever form that may be.” Lily Brough (Editor-in-Chief)

“I want this issue to go beyond tokenistic approaches to highlight minority voices. Cambridge as an institution  has a habit of highlighting diversity when they feel it works well for them , usually in the context of a publicity stunt. However, the real work needs to happen in ensuring that students feel able to voice the struggles and joys that both themselves and their families experience and genuinely feel heard. As students fight for the university to divest and recognise the genocide in Palestine, I want this issue to remember and record the activism we are seeing, allowing other hidden voices to come to the surface. We are not to be forgotten and this issue of TCS will be a facet of committing this moment in time to Cambridge memory.” Saranka Maheswaran (Deputy Editor)

We want to hear from you whether it be in the form of an interview or a review of a book which you feel highlights hidden voices, an opinion piece or even creative submissions in the forms of poems. As always with TCS we want to platform your voice, so feel free to write anything you feel might relate to this theme and might be interesting to read.

Please submit a draft by the 16th August, or if you prefer you can send us a pitch first! Our editors will then contact you to work on the piece, with final deadlines being the 26th August. If you have any questions do email our Editor in Chief, Lily Brough (lb981@cam.ac.uk) or Deputy Editor, Saranka Maheswaran (sm2739@cam.ac.uk). We’re excited to hear from you!

The desired length for pieces are as follows:

News: 600-900 words

Opinion: 800-1750 words

Culture: 800 - 1500 words

Interview: 800 - 1500 words

In addition to written submission, we are also taking photography and illustration submissions to feature in the print. To submit visual work please email us at tcs@cambridgesu.co.uk.

To submit a piece please fill in the form below.